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[Other resourceDelphi control

Description: 在Delphi中对用户输入的数据该如何控制?-in Delphi on user input on how to control the data?
Platform: | Size: 4502 | Author: 沈雪峰 | Hits:


Description: Atelier Web Capi ActiveX控件可以让你在几天甚至几个小时内完成ISDN相关的电话应用的开发。它不仅是另一个ISDN呼叫方ID控件。在这里,你可以发现只有那些最好的商业ISDN电话应用中才提供的核心功能。完全以DELPHI开发,并提供DELPHI控件。-Atelier Web Capi ActiveX controls can let you in a few days or even several hours to complete ISDN telephone related applications. It is not just another ISDN caller ID control. Here, you can find that only the best commercial ISDN phone applications provide the core functions. Completely DELPHI development, and provide DELPHI control.
Platform: | Size: 1927168 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Remote ControlDelphi远程控制示例

Description: 远程控制示例,Delphi7编译通过,包括开关机,以及文件浏览,远程抓图等功能(有详细中文注释)-remote control samples, Delphi7 compile, including switching planes, and the file browser, remote screen in such functions (detailed Chinese Notes)
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 邓飞 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDelphi编程控制摄像头

Description: Delphi编程控制摄像头-Delphi programming control camera
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 孙强 | Hits:


Description: 一个使用Delphi控制浏览器的例子-An example to control Browser in Delphi
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: | Hits:

[Remote ControlDelphi中远程控制的实现

Description: 利用delphi的socket开发远程控制的实现-use of the remote control socket Development Implementation
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: 请不要用公用帐号上载 | Hits:


Description: 用Delphi控制Excel的数据-control with Delphi Excel data
Platform: | Size: 370688 | Author: 小陈 | Hits:


Description: DELPHI中利用TreeView控件建立目录树-using Treeview control established tree
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 虚心 | Hits:

[Delphi/CppBuilderDelphi control

Description: 在Delphi中对用户输入的数据该如何控制?-in Delphi on user input on how to control the data?
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 沈雪峰 | Hits:


Description: 上传的内容为:使用DELHPI的设计与编程来实现与WORD的结合,达到控制的目的。-upload the contents : DELHPI use of the design and programming to achieve with a combination of Word, to achieve control.
Platform: | Size: 319488 | Author: 李平 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDelphi对鼠标的控制

Description: 这个代码实现了Delphi语言通过系统函数实现对窗口程序的控制,和对鼠标的点击事件进行控制,控制鼠标的运动和点击-source implementation of the Delphi language functions to achieve through the window of the control procedures, and right mouse clicks incident control, control the movement and the mouse click
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: 王政 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDelphi对鼠标点位置控制

Description: 这个代码是对鼠标的点的位置进行控制使鼠标的点的位置可以自己随意控制,是你省去很多的点鼠标事件-the code of the mouse for the location of the mouse to control the location of their own arbitrary control, you saved a lot of points mouse events
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 王政 | Hits:

[Remote ControlDelphi编的木马程序

Description: Delphi编的木马程序用TNMUDP组件实现远程控制-Delphi series of the Trojans TNMUDP components with remote control
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: 萧天 | Hits:

[Button controldelphi button

Description: DELPHI6下按扭控件,它继承了DELPHI标准按扭的属性,可以图形化-DELPHI6 under control buttons, it inherited the standard buttons DELPHI attributes, graphical
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: 曹建文 | Hits:


Description: WinSock是一组API,用于在网络上传输数据和交换信息。虽然现在有很多工具如FTP 程序可以在网络上传输数据和文件,但是通过WinSock编程有更大的灵活性,它不需要关心网络连接的细节,不过用WinSock编程却很复杂。在Delphi中我们并不需要直接与 WinSock的API打交道,因为TClientSocket元件和TServerSocket元件(在Internet页)封装了WinSock的大部分API,使得对WinSock的访问大大简化。下面这个远程控制的例子就很清楚地说明了这个问题,它可以发送一个消息给对方,并能够使对方的电脑关闭、重新启动或重新登录。-WinSock API is a group for the transmission of data on the network and exchange information. Although there are now many tools such as FTP program on the network can transmit data and documents, but through WinSock greater programming flexibility, it does not need the care network connectivity details, but with WinSock very complicated programming. In Delphi, we do not need directly with the WinSock API deal because TServerSocket TClientSocket components and devices (in Internet pages) package of the most WinSock API, making the right WinSock visit greatly simplified. Following the example of the remote control very clear illustration of this problem, it can send a message to each other and to make each other's computers shut down, restart or re-logged.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 里平 | Hits:


Description: 别人制作的delphi的控件,我觉得还不错,拿上来大家一起分享-others in the production of delphi control, I think was pretty good, to put up with to share with everyone
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: gzr | Hits:


Description: delphi控制wps2007的接口例子-delphi control interface wps2007 example
Platform: | Size: 839680 | Author: licheng | Hits:

[Delphi VCLDelphi.control.module.design.achieve.machine.code.

Description: Delphi实现机器监控模块设计代码Delphi control module design to achieve the machine code -Delphi control module design to achieve the machine code
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: er | Hits:

[Delphi VCLdelphi-Sdk3000-ocx

Description: 天敏sdk3000采集卡 Delphi 用的ocx控件源码,控件可以调节采集卡亮度、采集图像、录制视频等工作。适合医院影像存储采集工作站Delphi开发。压缩包中包含了完整的ocx源码。--TianMin sdk3000 acquisition card with Delphi, control the source control ocx can adjust the acquisition card brightness, acquisition, image recording video, etc. Suitable for hospital image storage acquisition station Delphi development. Compressed package contains a complete ocx the source code.
Platform: | Size: 900096 | Author: 商超 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLdelphi-control-digital-camera

Description: delphi控制数码相机的例子,喜欢的朋友可以-the example delphi control digital camera, like friends can look at
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 我是刷子 | Hits:
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